
Ask Johnny a question at

Monday, December 12, 2005

What's the best advice you've ever been given?

Johnny said:
“Don’t get married, go to the kingdom hall, be a pioneer.”
[I said, “But you got married, and are not a pioneer, why didn’t you listen to the advice that was given to you?]
“No one gave me that advice.”
[I responded, “But you just said it was the best advice you’ve been given.”]
“Well, maybe someone did tell me. I can’t remember.”


At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The question was, "What's the best advice you've ever been given?" It was not, "what's the best advice you've ever taken?" Ask Jiggady Johnny answered correctly as to the best advice he'd ever been given and he has the right to pass on that advice whether or not he actually used that advice. His marriage was something like 60 years ago, long before he ever knew what a pioneer was. He probably would say that if he could do it all over again . . . Then, again, if he didn't get married, he wouldn't be your step-greatgrandfather and no one would be responding to this blog because it wouldn't exist.


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